Sunday, January 5, 2014

ready for 2014

Ok- try number two-

2013 brought along some obstacles that I always welcome.  You pick yourself up by your bootstraps and move on.

2014- read more, I'm already ahead of that game.  I've already ready a book, I know impressive.  I love to read, but the only place I seem to sit and read is on an airplane.  I don't know what it is, I can't sit and read.  Anyway, on my 'list' is to hike the Appalachian (in full), so I decided to read Bill Bryson's A Walk in the Woods.  Somewhat entertaining, but disappointing that they set out for this feat, decided to write a book, and don't complete it.  I felt as though, Bryson was filling pages writing about the history of the trail just to write something because he wasn't hiking and had to write a book.  Don't get me wrong, I love history, but if I wanted to read a book about the history of the trail, I would've read that.  Going in, I thought the entirety would be about hiking the trail in full. Oh well, I read a book


2014 has a lot on the docket- the 30 for 30 challenge starting tomorrow, guitar lessons (love them so far.)  I will keep you posted.  I've got a couple chords down.:) A lot of tennis, a lot of working out, yoga, balance... it's going to be a great year!

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