Monday, January 2, 2012

2012 Plan

  • remembering what is important, prioritize 
  • begin a craft: (already in progress)
  • 2 trail 10ks (at least)
  • 2 mountain bike races (at least)
  • 1 rock and half marathon (Nashville)
  • play competitive tennis...
  • read a book every 3 weeks
  • focus on working out hard, eating right, and living a balanced life
  • attend at least two MLB games (new stadiums)
  • relaxing with my husband!


  1. love your 2012 plan! and i love that you called it a plan instead of resolutions! you are in such great shape and i am totally admiring your fitness goals (it is on my bucket list to do a half marathin and the R&R ones look like a blast) and since you love lobster rolls, let's be best friends :)

    1. Rock and Rolls are great!! Totally best friends, it's hard to find people that like lobster (lobstah) rolls. (I'm originally from Maine.)
